Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Parsons' Journal Entry

Here is an entry from Parsons' journal, dating from October 13, 1984:

“October 13, 1984:

How I ended up in the prison cell of the Ministry of Love, I don’t quite understand. But what I can scrape from the bottom of my memory from yesterday, apparently I repeatedly screamed “I HATE BIG BROTHER” in my sleep. The next day, the Thought Police, clad in black, destroyed the door and arrested me, my youngest daughter chiding them on and telling them what I did last night. I suppose I should be glad my little daughter is growing up to be devoted to the Party.

When I was thrown in the prison cell in the Ministry of Love, guess who I happened to meet? Why, it was Winston Smith, that blundering thoughtcriminal! I always knew that unorthodox man would end up in Miniluv, he always seemed so subtly defiant to the structure of Newspeak and maybe even the Party itself. I simply over exhausted myself due to the ordeals in the Ministry of Truth; but I knew Winston would someday end up as a thoughtcriminal.

I’ve always loved the Party, I still love the Party, and I’ll continue to love the Party with all my heart, why are they doing this to me? I know that I need to regain my consciousness and love for Big Brother, but why do they keep me in this dirty prison cell? More than once I’ve had to use the privy but instead I had to use the lavatory pan, which created a dirty mess.

Oh please, Big Brother, release me from this nightmare, I am your loving subject!”

Tom Parsons is a fellow co-worker of Winston in the Ministry of Truth, as well as being his neighbour. Parsons is the everyday man who gives unwavering support to the Party and believes anything they say. However, unconsciously, Parsons is muttering anti-Party messages in his sleep- found by his young daughter, who immediately informed the Thought Police. His own daughter, informed the Party on his mistake. This alone shows how deep the Party has managed to manipulate and take control of its people. 

Tom Parsons appears to be very non-important to the story, but the truth is quite different. Tom Parsons reflects the common everyday citizen in Oceania- undying support for the Party, no matter what the Party does. He loves the Party so much that he loves his daughter for informing the Party on him. He even loves being arrested for Thoughtcrime so that he may be cured! His reckless acts of such love to the Party shows that the Party has manipulated the people to an extent where the people use doublethink to think that no matter what the Party does, it is right/good. Parsons is in fact so ordinary and powerless to the Party that the Party may as well release and reintegrate him into society and allow him to continue as before.

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