Tuesday 19 March 2013

The Party

1984 is a world where everything's different. In place of the different countries before World War 2, there are only 3 SuperStates on Earth, named East Asia, Eurasia, and Oceania. The latter is where the whole novel takes place in, and it is governed by the Party, with a mystical head of state named Big Brother, who may not even exist.

The Party is a authoritarian state that gives its citizens the smallest freedoms. There are effectively three classes in the state of Oceania- the Proletarians (Called the Proles; are the workers and labourers) comprise 85% of the population, the Outer Party (Do most of the actual work in the Party government) comprises 13% of the population, and the Inner Party (Political Leaders of the state; they enjoy a very good quality of life not enjoyed by other classes) make up 2% of the population.

The Party is a very oppressive government that is always on the lookout for disobedience. Two-way Televisions called Telescreens (That cannot be turned off) are placed in public and in homes, so that that Thought Police can observe the suspects around the clock. However, the Proles are kept sedated with cheap alcohol and pornography to keep them in line in support of the Party, so they are free from Party Surveillance that Party members suffer. Meanwhile, the Outer Party members are kept under strict surveillance by the Thought Police to watch for any signs of rebellion or disobedience. On the other end of the spectrum, the Inner party effectively controls the state, and do not suffer the surveillance that the Outer Party members endure. (i.e. their Telescreens can be turned off)

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