Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Party's Slogans

War is Peace- Freedom is Slavery- Ignorance is Strength.
These are the words of the Party, imprinted on the Ministry of Truth. These words are an example of doublethink, a form of psychological manipulation used by the party. By forcing a individual to accept two mutually contradictory ideas at the same time, the individual gradually loses independence and strength of mind. After living through constant fear by contradicting propaganda, the individual is able to be forced to accept anything the Party dictates, even if they are completely illogical and make no sense.

 Even the name of the four ministries are examples of Doublethink- the Ministry of Truth (Based on lies), the Ministry of Love (the Torture department), the Ministry of Plenty (Focuses on strict rationing), and the Ministry of Peace (in charge of war). Doublethink is one way of how the Party rules with an iron grip.

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