Tuesday 19 March 2013

Winston Smith

Winston is the main character of this novel. The story introduces Winston as he walks up seven flights of stairs to his apartment in the Victory Mansions (A dirty apartment building in London). He lives in London, in the Territory of Airstrip One in the superstate of Oceania. London is shown to be in ruins after a devastating war, except for the four ministry buildings towering in the sky, of which Winston works in the Ministry of Truth.

The Ministry of Truth (Called Minitrue) is ironically a Ministry of Propaganda, where Winston works with others to rewrite history for Propaganda purposes, such as falsifying production rates to make the citizens satisfied. Also, if Big Brother (The mystical Head of the Party) makes a prediction that turns out to be wrong, the Ministry of Truth rewrites his prediction so he is always correct.

Although Winston appears to fanatically support the Party, he secretly despises it. As the story progresses, the anti-Party acts he commits become more intense and severe, ranging from writing anti-Party messages in his diary, to become entangled in an illegal love affair, to finally joining a secret Brother against the Party. However, Winston knows that he will be caught eventually by the Thought Police, and that there is nothing he can do about it. Winston is an interesting character, rebellious but fatalistic individual that hates the Party.

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